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YouthMax: Shaping the Heart of the Next Generation

Asia Pacific Media training focus goes beyond teaching media missionaries to create their resources; we are creating life-changing digital resources like Youth MAX and training churches how to use them to reach their communities. Just over a year ago, at the request of our national AG Filipino leadership we released Youth MAX to specifically focused on reaching the 50 percent of the population of the country under the age of 20. The goal: to help young people grow in God and reaching their friends. And churches like Manila Faith AG see results:

“YOUTH MAX embodies the concept of “watch and learn.” This resource is like a mirror that allows the youth who view it to evaluate their mindsets and choices. It gives them an opportunity to discover how to cope up with real-life issues and as they watch; they learn to make wise decisions. “—Pastor Garry Ching Galvez of Manila Faith AG (Philippines) Because of partners like you, we can impact young adults in the Philippians as well as people across the Asia Pacific at all levels and in all stages of life with the love of Christ.
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