by Faith Nacarato
The only diet that works is one that I can stick with and sustain for the rest, if not most, of my life.
I know you’ve probably heard this a lot but it’s worth repeating here - fitness is a lifestyle. Health is long-term. I’m not interested in quick fixes that could compromise my overall health or trendy diets that are too restrictive and have so many rules it makes my head spin. I like to do resistance training and lift weights (and no ladies, you will not get “bulky” working with weights unless you’re on steroids) but if I don’t eat enough (good) carbs, I’m not able to perform at my best during a workout or accomplish goals that require this particular source of nutrition.
I also like meat of all kinds, so I don’t see myself going vegetarian soon. On the other hand, I stay away from certain foods and beverages that make me feel sluggish, bloated, break my skin out, give me heartburn, disrupt my sleep, and ruin my insides. Not because of a trend but because I know how these foods affect me. Don’t get me wrong, I love treats! My weakness is kakanin, I love it so much I can eat it as a meal at any time of the day. So sometimes I do. I just balance things out with more nutrient-dense foods the next meal, or the next day, or after Christmas Season! No matter how enticing the short-term results are, if I have to starve myself, feel weak and irritable, stress over calculating food points...well, as Gary V. would say, “Di bale na lang!” Those amazing results will not last, and I’ll probably find myself back at square one feeling defeated and disappointed with myself. I do watch my portions, but I allow myself to sample a wide variety of foods that my taste buds enjoy and still achieve the same results.
But again, what works for me might not work for everyone else. So, I challenge you to find what’s sustainable for you, what feels right for your body, and to make adjustments as you work towards your goals.
Involve Jesus in my health goals.
If He truly is Lord of my life - and He is - there is nothing that I do not submit to Him. This includes asking for His help in being a good steward of this one and only body that He’s entrusted to me. I pray about every other area in my life, so why not my health? Not just for healing when I feel sick but for help with things like getting up to exercise at 5AM because it is the only time that I have to myself before any of the kids are awake, homeschooling and chores take over the day, and I still have energy to actually finish a YouTube workout video. When I’m huffing and puffing through a workout and struggling to run/walk outdoors while wearing a mask, I’m encouraged by Isaiah 40:29 - “He gives strength to those who are tired. He gives power to those who are weak.” (NIRV) There is absolutely nothing in our lives too mundane for our Heavenly Father to care about. When I have concerns about caring for my body, why shouldn’t I have a conversation with the One who not only designed but also created it? He knows every part, inside out. He sees you, Mama, Nanay, Mommy, Inay, Mamang. And He is for you. As we live healthier lives, we are better able to use the gifts and abilities that he has given us to serve Him and others. May this be our motivation and encouragement today and may we never take the gift of health for granted.