The Gap When a man accepts a job as an Overseas Foreign Worker, he becomes a "bachelor" along with millions of other men who work for months at a time in a foreign country to send his earnings home in support of his family. Jonathan Morano is one of those men. For the last six years, he has worked overseas in Saudi Arabia and by God's grace he is able to openly worship God. Through his local church partnering organizations like AP MEDIA and Family Academy; Jonathon and his bachelor friends were introduced to the concept of "Love Languages."
Through that material, the awareness was a very good tool for us to really understand that there is a language in expressing love for your partner. ~Jonathon Morano
The Immediate Impact
We have a couple ....the woman was asking her husband to buy her flowers and she felt that she was not loved by her husband and came to a point where she asked her husband to say, "I love you to her." After watching the Usapang Pamilya (The Love Languages) material, the girl fully understood that her husband’s love language is different from hers and she began to embrace the fact that her husband is like that. And from that moment on, it was never an issue for her if her husband doesn’t give flowers on Valentines and on her birthday. Because of that material, they had a full understanding unlike previously which it was really a big issue for them and after that, she was able to absorb the need for them as a couple to learn the different love languages regardless of how long they’ve been together.
The Ripple Effect Even though Jonathon was thousands of miles apart from his wife and worshiping God in a strange land, he took the material to heart and waited for the day he would get to go home and show his wife. He says,
I benefited from that though I was not able to apply it because my wife and I are living apart from each other but the principle that I understood my love language and her love language, I was able to apply it when I came back. It was supposed to be a big adjustment for us since we were not able to see each other for two years but it became easy for us to do so and I openly discussed to her that I have my own love language that you have to understand and it’s all because I watched the material so I’m really thankful that I have been able to grasp the concept of love languages.