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Philippines Update

“The Philippines is AP Media’s ‘seedbed for ministry’ for all of Asia. We try it here first, and then we develop it for use in the other countries where we are working.”—Bill Snider, APMedia Director The island nation of the Philippines is home to over 100 million people—and there are 15 million people in Manila alone. This small island is a vast mission field and the home which AP Media central headquarters have taken root in for more than 27 years. “Filipinos are very syncretistic people,” says Bill. “They are very open spiritually. 80% are born into Catholicism, so they embrace the idea of a creator God, but mix in beliefs from other faiths. They see a spirit doctor when they are sick, a fortune teller when they are unhappy, and they go to mass on Sunday to make sure they are “ok with God”—and they have no problem with the incongruities of those beliefs. We try to deal with the practicalities of life and show them God is more, that He provides transformation and wants to be involved and help them with every area of life.” Aside from Bill and Kim Snider, the central AP Media office is staffed by a creative team of 12 Filipino and Chinese workers who are focused on the mission to see “His Message, Multiplied” not only in their country but all of Asia Pacific. AP Media’s resources are developed by this team and set up to work in the marketplace and with non-believers. That is not all. The team goes one step further to train Christians in the media field in other countries of Asia Pacific to use digital technology to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ farther and faster than ever before. His Message, Multiplied to reach Asia Pacific— this is the heartbeat of AP Media! PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MINISTRY TO THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES 1. Finding creative professionals—We need more workers from the West, both long and short-term people of all ages who are skilled in video and media production. We need script writers, drama directors, technology professionals, and people who are good with the Internet and social media to come alongside us. 2. Networking with professionals in-country—We need God- engineered relationships within the countries we are working. 3. Spiritual guidance and inspiration— We have a strong commitment to developing tools to reach unreached people, especially Muslims and Buddhists. We need guidance from the Lord and favor from people who can help us create these stories. 4. Foundational funding for APMedia in Manila—It costs $50 an hour to provide for our operations funding. We need this to grow our ministry in Indonesia and throughout Asia. Thank you for your prayer and support of AP Media’s strategic opportunities in the Philippians!
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