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Our Influence, Increased = His Message, Multiplied

God is not only increasing the vision for Asia Pacific Media, He is expanding the influence of our Manila-based creative team (picture above) and multiplying media missionaries on the field in Asia Pacific and beyond. We are excited to witness firsthand how the life-giving stories we produce are impacting millions of people and influencing nations with the message of LIFEwhich IS possible through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ! In fact, we are blessed to have been able to add volunteers to our creative team this summer so we could rise to meet the increasing need on the field. In just a couple of months, we will be returning to Myanmar for a follow-up training with video producers. Bottom Line: Now, more than ever, we are relying on friends like you for prayer and financial support on every level. See page 20 for details. We need wisdom and favor for our team so every project we take on can have maximum effectiveness. So ALL might have LIFE and have it to the full!

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