by Reah B. Padla
All moms get busy. Every mom does a lot for the family, home, work, or church. Many are overworked so they need a break from time to time to avoid getting stressed.
When I’m stressed, it shows in how I deal with my family and sadly, it causes more problems. Those grey hairs? Twitching eyes? Upset stomach? Insomnia? Those are signs of stress, Mom!
We need a day off!
This may seem unimportant but think of it this way. A mobile phone cannot function continuously without recharging the battery from time to time. We, too, need to recharge to do what we ought to do better. This will help us become a better wife and mother. When our energy and love tank is refilled, we have more to give out and the immediate receiver, our family becomes happier and healthier.
It’s up to you how you want to spend your “alone” time. It’s good to start simple and see how it goes. If you can afford it, you can travel for a few days for enrichment. Many also see to it they spend at least an hour for themselves every day. It may be extra sleep, prayer time, an episode of a favorite soap, or a few moments of peace and quiet sipping a cup of coffee while reading a book. Those few minutes help to keep one sane.
Personally, I take a 20-minute power nap when I’m already feeling drained. There are times when I know I really need to sleep to shut down and reset my system. Just like any computer that needs rebooting, I need those quick naps to renew my mind.
On weekends, I go to the mall for an hour or two to do the grocery (I enjoy it!), get a manicure and pedicure or maybe a full body spa or facial, shop a little, or sometimes, watch a movie. A good meal at a new restaurant is also enjoyable for me. If time and budget permits, I go to a museum, a park, weekend market, or any new attraction.
What not to do…
Don’t feel guilty to have your “alone” time. Make sure you enjoy the hours. Don’t check your phone or Facebook account. Don’t worry about the children. They will be fine with their father.
You can even be a better mom if you believe you are one. It all starts in having a renewed mind (read the Word) and spirit so go ahead, take care of yourself in whatever ways that work well for you. This self-care thing isn’t just about scented candles and bubble baths. It’s about you knowing yourself more and preparing your body for greater challenges ahead. You are a mom in this season for a reason. Embrace it but never abuse your body and soul. Believe me, a mommy day-off will refresh and calm you. It works every time!