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IMPACT: Shanghai Training

Part of the way APMedia works to see His Message, Multiplied, is by going into countries and doing training sessions with those Christian leaders who are wanting to use the media to reach people with the message of Jesus Christ. Here is a recent testimony by Lin*, who was part of a recent session in Shanghai. When we first entered into the training hall, over 30 students were already in morning devotion, fervently praising and worshiping our, Lord Almighty. After four days training, we watched and evaluated their clips which were in group assignments. One group stood out among the rest. For their clip they were bold enough to hit the streets to evangelize. As the clip unfold, an old man scolded them while another woman patiently listened as they shared the love of Christ. I thanked God that they had a heart for lost souls. As the training came to a close, many shared what they had learned. As young adults, they liked very much creating and producing video programs. They used these instant communication tools all the time but never thought to connect it to ministry. Most who attended the training sessions expressed that APMedia had expanded their horizon, yet some were still hesitant because they felt their skills were lacking for the vision God was placing in the hearts. The next day we dropped by found nearly 20 students were still gathered, sharing editing skills. They asked us for another assignment! How diligent and eagerness of these Chinese students were! They just needed guidance and opportunities to be strong media militants in God’s kingdom. Lin* thanks you for your partnership with APMedia—China.  Through your support you are helping many who are being trained to reach China with message of Jesus Christ. *name changed to protect privacy

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