Just Asking with Peter BanzonMy husband doesn’t go to church. Sometimes, my son prefers to stay with his dad on Sunday instead of going to church with me. How do I lead my son to faith when his father doesn’t support it? Going to church to worship God and fellowship with other believers is an important practice that strengthens and deepens our faith. It helps people to hear God’s word so they can live out His plan and purposes for their lives. They in turn become productive citizens who contribute to society instead of just being consumers. So, it is sad to know that your husband isn’t a church goer, and your son just wants to stay at home with him instead of going to church. Prayerfully talk to your husband about encouraging your son to go to church with you. Remind him that as head of the home, his influence is important in helping your son experience the positive benefits of having a church life. Church attendance is essential for spiritual growth that influences other areas of life. If despite your efforts, he refuses, then don’t force the issue but continue to take your stand for what is right and be faithful in your church attendance. By respecting your husband’s decision, you are demonstrating a submissive attitude. The Bible says, “be submissive to your own husbands so that if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word, by the behavior of their wives.” (1 Peter 3:1-2) By displaying a godly demeanor, you will leave a legacy of faith and faithfulness that will be a testimony to both your husband and your son. Live out your faith, sensitively share God’s word and pray for God to open their eyes so that they too will experience a living relationship with the Lord through Jesus Christ.
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