by Dr. Claire Pascual
Many were caught off guard when Covid19 caused a lockdown in the Philippines. Here is the account of a mother, who is also a doctor, during ECQ.
Initial Reaction To ECQ
The declaration of the Enhanced Community Quarantine came as a bit of a shock. All the freedom we enjoyed was put to a sudden stop. Along with that came all kinds of uncertainties: financial, health concerns and supplies.t My family, like the majority, flocked to the grocery to stock up. We had to struggle by means of our travel, my son had to adjust to distance learning for the last few weeks of the schoolyear. The first few days of the ECQ were pretty hard to digest. News spilled out with devastating information on the rising number of cases, the fallen front liners and the frantic efforts of the government to keep everything in order. There was an overwhelming overload of information.
Biggest Fear
It was very daunting, as a medical professional, it came to a point that it almost paralyzed me with fear of going to work with the threat of COVID right at the forefront. While the rest of Metro Manila was locked indoors to keep their families protected, my job required me to go to hospitals and clinics where sick patients would come to seek medical care. It was like stepping into a battlefield with an unseen enemy. Even though I knew what my profession entails, I am currently not living for myself alone. I have a husband and kids, an eight-year-old and a two-year-old, and the thought of them contracting the virus through me was so frightening. The guilt of placing my family at risk every time I stepped in the house brought so much anxiety. If I could only spend the rest of the pandemic safely indoors, but that is not realistic.
New Experience
While spending a lot of time at home, I was mostly online and was able to reconnect with old friends. One of them, my classmate from medical school, talked about her plight as a radiologist. They were not given enough PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) because they were not considered as front liners, even though they really are. I tried to ask a few people if they were willing to help with supplies, and to my surprise someone responded. That moment started snowballing into more opportunities to coordinate much needed medical supplies such as masks, face shields and isolation gowns. Supplies suddenly started piling up and we could not find space for it all in our small condominium. Our church generously opened their doors and it became a mini bodega and a drop off/pickup point for supplies.
Surprising Positive Result
This coordination of medical supplies and donations gave me a new perspective. The desire to just lock up inside the house was replaced by the passion to connect with fellow medical professionals and try to fill in their needs even in a small way so that they could continue to work safely and care for other patients. It was just amazing to see doors open up. Suddenly, I was talking to people I had not been in contact with for a long time and started to receive a huge outpouring of financial support. This support was not just local but also came from all over the world. I was coordinating the transport of medical supplies as far as Jolo, Lanao, Isabela and Cotabato. Together with the church’s COVID task force, we provided approximately 1,500 masks, 950 face shields, 50 gallons of bleach, 150 pcs of body suits and gowns, 50 boxes of noodles, 60 pcs of goggles and 20 gallons of alcohol. The Lord is to be praised!
Blessed Opportunities
I praise God for the generosity of my friends, family and the support and partnership of my home church, ICS. A few weeks into the quarantine, God impressed to me a word: “RISE”. I believe God presents to the world extraordinary circumstances to take us further and soar higher in our journey with Him. He has shown us unique opportunities to reach out and minister in moments that do not otherwise happen if not for that moment. May we not miss out on the special work that God has for us this season. Let us give Him glory, always and in everything.
Spiritual Effect
ECQ brought us to a full stop and shifted our focus to God. Removing any distractions that often consume us in our normal lives with our busy and never-ending schedules and rigid obligations. It also presented a way for us to serve others in a unique way. Beyond this pandemic, may we let this moment resonate in our testimonies to future generations.