Dear Readers, I have always admired, and if I am honest, I may have even been a little jealous of people who say that they have been impacted by the faith of their grandparents. Some people can even trace their faith back to their great-great grandparents. I wish I could say that my great grandparents knew and served Jesus their whole lives but, I cannot. Amongst my immediate family, I am one of the first converts to follow Christ. I consider it a privilege to be at the beginning of what I pray will become a legacy of faith that will be passed on to the future generations of my bloodline. Maybe you are like me, and you are a member of the first generation of Christ followers in your family and sometimes get discouraged. Discouraged that you are alone or downhearted that others are slow to believe. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Only God can help us fight this battle to win the future eternity of the following generations. May God help you and me to lead a good example to follow for those behind us. Only by Grace, Delsey G.
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