Dear Readers,
This issue of MOMS is going to take a more serious turn than usual. Many Filipinos see Holy Week as a time when they can experience change in their behavior, healing in their bodies and restoration of relationship with God. Many people see traditional practices as a way to achieve God’s blessing. People hope that by participating in acts, which reenact the suffering of Christ, they can find fulfillment and relationship with the Creator.
In this issue of MOMS, we are going to examine the themes that make up the heart of Filipino Holy Week. We are going to ask ourselves some questions:
Panata (Vows): To get what we want from God, should we make a sacrifice of suffering?
Do Holy Week traditions help us become the person we want to be?
Do images have power?
Did Jesus do enough to attain forgiveness for us or do we need to do more?
Kim & Evelyn