Dear AP Media Partner,
Thank you for taking just a few minutes to watch this special video message.
Special Message from Bill
Will you please prayerfully consider what you can do today to meet the challenge before us in the next few weeks. Please prayerfully consider giving your best year-end gift today. You can give online at
We’ve made our giving easier with AP Media Text to Give. Simply text APMEDIAGIVE to 95577 and you will also be included in our monthly updates.Just $50 covers one hour of our operations as we reach Asia Pacific!
Support APMedia TodayGod Bless,
Bill and Kim Snider
AP Media Directors
P.S. You’re invited to a special Behind the Scenes Video tour of our AP Media Operations Center in Manila at apmedia.orgWhile you’re there be sure to check out our new special edition of Mission MagazineOur mailing address is:
Asia Pacific Media Ministries 1640 N Boonville Avenue Springfield, MO 65803