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Twenty-six floors over Metro Manila—that’s where the ministry takes place that is not only reaching the Philippines but the whole of Asia Pacific. “It’s amazing to see how God has used the media and technology as a tool to multiply the efforts of a 12-person Filipino and Chinese creative team to carry the Good News across the region,” says APMedia Director Bill Snider.  This is His Message, Multiplied.

This vision has been in our hearts for 27 years, and we continue to see God use media in ways that we have never imagined,” says Bill The AP Media team works in an office space that includes areas for administration, print publications, distribution, audio and video development, as well as a recording studio. The print publications office, where Kim Snider works, produces the quarterly MOMS Magazine and Men in Progress (MIP). AP Media uses these magazines to give Filipino women and men the opportunity to share their stories to bless others. And, when it’s time for each issue of MOMS and MIP to mail, the whole

office gets in on the action. As technology has advanced in the region, the internet and social media have increased the reach of both AP Media print, audio, and video resources to reach new audiences in hard to reach areas of the region. Team member Johnson Li utilizes Lazada, which is website much like to facilitate videos and publication distribution. The Manila-based office includes a recording/video studio with two video editing bays and an audio production area. The equipment for this production area has been provided by Speed the Light (

Digitracts and documentaries are shot in the video studio as well as panel discussions for the Usapang Pamilya (Family Talk) series. Recently the movies, Rebound and Ang Sugo which were originally produced to reach a Filipino audience, were also recently voice dubbed in the AP Media recording studio into Mongolian and Bahasa to reach Indonesia. The recording studio is also the home of the weekly radio show Pag-asang Para Sa’yo. “The beauty is that there is so much more happening outside these

office walls,” says Bill. “The heart of this ministry is to leave a legacy—to train a new generation of indigenous media missionaries who will continue to MULTIPLY the message of the gospel across the region... until He comes.”

$50 an hour... $400 per day...$2000 per week... supports this 12-person creative team and keeps the office open for business. Thank you, AP Media partners for making the work possible and for your continued support today.

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